IRS audits are not what you could possibly wish for, are they? So, it is in your best interest if you try to avoid them if at all possible. The best advice is to be exclusively and totally honesty on your tax returns. However, there are few tips that could keep the IRS from knocking on your door in the near future if you follow them.
Report All Income
It is significant that you report all of your income. Trying to conceal money, “forgetting” about that Form 1099, or leaving anything off your return is a bad idea.
The IRS also receives a copy of the Form 1099. They expect to see it on your return. This also applies to gamblers. All winnings as well as losses are expected to be recorded. Don’t conceal anything.
This equally applies to investors. All of the capital gains and interest made from investments are expected to be recorded. The IRS gets most of that information, too. By the way, if you dabbled in crypto currency, it should be treated as an investment, not currency.
Always, it is important you file on time and file everything accurately. An amended return can set off an audit, so be sure everything is complete before you or your tax professional file you taxes.
Report Overseas Accounts
If you have accounts in a foreign country, you must act in accordance with with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, also known as FATCA. And always keep the Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) in mind, which files reports with the Financial Crimes and Enforcement Network (FinCEN). There is no such thing as a private Swiss Bank account where you can hide money from the IRS. Failure to comply with FATCA is a costly offer.
Be Cautious of Those Deductions and Credits
Deductions and credits are significant as they can reduce your taxable earnings as well as the amount you owe. This benefit should not be abused in any way. The IRS is aware that these are popular items, and they will find out.
• Keep away from claiming large itemized deductions. If your deductions are out of line with your income, the IRS notices.
• Don’t take the Earned Income Credit unless you are actually eligible.
• Be transparent about things like mortgage interest deductions because the IRS also gets a copy of those forms.
• If you are self-employed, you may write off quite a bit in supplies, equipment, and costs. But don’t get carried away.
• Keep meticulous records – you may need every supporting document possible to aid you if you do become an audit target.
It is obvious that those credits and deductions look mighty tempting when you owe money to the IRS. But if you can’t qualify without squinting, don’t take them.
Take Care with Rental Losses and Real Estate Businesses
If you own rental property, you will likely suffer losses for some years. However, if your losses become a custom or are more extensive than your tax professional can take, be absolutely sure before you write those losses off.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut ordinary income tax rates for rental owners and kept the long-term assets gains tax for when you sell. But rental losses really make matters difficult. It should also be brought to your knowledge that the IRS permits you to deduct up to $25,000 in losses, but only if you actively take part in the renting of the property.
Finally, don’t claim to be a real estate expert if you are not. To be eligible, you must spend at least 750 hours a year and spend more than half your time working to be considered a real estate professional. Keep records of every single hour you spend on your real estate business, for future reference.
Classify Your Employees and Independent Contractors Accurately
It is certainly tempting to call everyone who works for you an independent contractor. That way, you don’t have to hold back income taxes, take care of W-2s and W-4s, or any of that other stuff. Unfortunately, if the IRS decides your “independent contractor” is actually an employee, you could be in serious trouble with the IRS.
Independent Contractors maintain their independent status by doing the work the way they want and when they want. You will just be in charge of the finished product. When you start showing you are in charge by telling them exactly what to do, which tools to use, and when to work, they become employees.
Don’t Claim a Hobby as a Business
Hobbies are regular activities done for fun. Some of them are expensive. You may think you can easily save yourself some money by claiming it as a business and getting those nice business expense deductions.
This is not an advisable thing to do. If you can’t meet the expense of your hobby without acting fraudulent, maybe you need to find a different hobby.
Don’t Claim Dependents You Don’t Have
So far, all efforts to have pets declared as dependents have failed. So, don’t claim them on your taxes. Also, be sure your children actually count as your dependents. Things get complicated if custody is shared between divorced parents or a couple filing separately. Both parents claim the children unless you file jointly.
Also, once they get to the age of 19, you can no longer claim them unless they are full-time students. Though, the deduction doesn’t help pay off college.
Don’t Inflate Business Expenses
While you should report business expenses, always be cautious. Make sure you have all the necessary documentation and that you followed IRS rules.
• If you make use of a vehicle for business, you can deduct mileage for work travel.
• Home office supplies, equipment, and certain costs are qualified. Just ensure that you follow the rules.
• Don’t try to write off meals or entertainment unless you can verify they are business-related.
As always, scrupulous record-keeping is your defense.
Give to Charity, but with moderation
Like business expenses, don’t inflate charitable gifts, either. By the way, political contributions don’t count.
For all donations such as cash, goods, or services, get a receipt as evidence. Also, make a record of everything you donated.
Only Submit Error-Free Returns
Thoroughly check your returns. You surely don’t want math errors and blanks, especially where your signature should be. It is a common error that people do all the work of preparing a tax return and then forget to sign.
As honesty is the best policy, ensure your reported income correspond with your tax documents. Don’t fall for any of the IRS Dirty Dozen tax scams that leave you guilty.
These are just few ways to keep out of trouble with the U.S. government and there are more. This can actually put you on the right track. Report everything, conceal nothing, and remember to always sign before sending your returns.