It could be really difficult dealing with financial hardship particularly tax issues can be overwhelming and annoying. Rather than face the situation on your own, you may want to hire someone like a tax resolution specialist to help you through the trying time. You can hire an experienced IRS tax attorney by knowing what this type of lawyer does and how you can find the best one to stand for you. 

What a Tax Attorney Does 

A tax attorney is a lawyer who is particularly trained to handle personal and business income tax matters. He or she is proficient in serving as both a legal adviser as well as a financial consultant. 

This kind of lawyer has completed a bachelor’s degree in either finance or accounting. He or she will have also completed a law degree and passed the State Bar Exam. The attorney also has a permit to practice law in the state. 

Tax Situations that Need a Tax Attorney 

A tax attorney is specially trained and experienced to assist in a variety of tax and financial situations. To begin with, he or she can stand for you in a criminal tax matter. This attorney could be vital to exonerating you and aid you in keeping away fines and jail time. 

In addition, this type of attorney also gives you counsel on how to remove a tax lien against your personal or business assets. You might be able to avoid having your wages garnished and your bank accounts levied or frozen because of a tax-related issue. 

Another way that tax attorneys assist clients is by representing them in audits. When you are being audited by the IRS, you have the right to have legal counsel representing you. Your tax attorney can advocate for you in the audit and speak on your behalf. 

They also offer aid with delicate financial tasks like planning out your estate also funeral arrangements. With a tax attorney’s assistance, you can draft a will, set aside money for your final expenses, and assign who you would like to be in charge of your estate after you are gone. 

Choosing a Qualified Tax Attorney 

So how can you find an experienced and ready tax attorney to represent you? As you scrutinize attorneys from your area, you should keep some important requirements in mind. 

First, you might want to request the lawyer’s background and field of experience. You may even want to learn about his or her history of success records in representing clients like you. 

You also should ask whether or not the attorney keeps taking training to keep his or her license updated. These questions ensure you get the most professional legal counsel available for your tax or financial matter. 

Reason to Hire a Tax Attorney 

You might be wondering why you should hire a tax attorney to represent you. These professionals are trained and skilled in representing clients from all areas of life in difficult financial and tax matters. They are particularly trained to take on matters like:

  • Handling IRS communications
  • Audits
  • Child care tax credit
  • Criminal charges against clients
  • CP notices indicating you owe the IRS money
  • Planning estates and inheritances
  • Tax attorneys can also assist you in claiming credits and refunds to which you may be legally entitled. Some of the credits you might be able to claim include: 
  • Earned income tax credit
  • Small business expenses like travel and office supplies
  • Charitable contributions

These credits lessen what you owe to the IRS. They also can result in you getting a substantial refund back from the federal government. 

Attributes of a Good Tax Attorney 

As you examine tax attorneys to hire, you might wonder what specific attributes to look for in this type of representation. First, you may look at the attorney’s skills in handling tax or financial matters like yours. You want be certain this person can win your case and save you from financial troubles like wage garnishments or bank levies. 

You similarly want to find out whether or not the lawyer is knowledgeable of the tax codes as they apply to your case. The tax codes are always being modified and can be difficult to keep up with and understand. However, a tax lawyer will know what the codes mean and also know how they can be applied to your case. 

A good attorney should also be skilled in the significant proceedings, precedents, and IRS and government regulations. You may not want to hire someone straight out of law school but rather someone who has experience with dealings inside of a courtroom if not an auditing room at the local IRS office. 

You also want a tax attorney who has a good communication skill with his or her clients and is readily at your service. You do not want to hire representation that is rude, and uneasy to get along with. You also do not want to retain a lawyer who is not available to you and doesn’t pick your phone calls or nor respond to your mail. 

Finally, you may opt for a tax attorney whose charges are at a rate which you can afford and has good references. It would not be out of place to request these references and to examine them before you hire the tax lawyer. The references may also be able to inform you on how much the attorney charges for his or her services. 

What to Expect from Hiring a Tax Attorney 

The fact that you are a client grants you the privilege of being entitled to have a level of expectations of your attorney. You first expect this representative to be convincing and confident when standing in for you. You want an advocate who is not scared to argue for best interests in court or before the IRS. 

You may also want an attorney who can counsel you of your payment options for settling your IRS debt. These options consist of an installment agreement or an Offer in Compromise. Your lawyer may also be capable of helping you dispute the amount of money you owe or depending on the circumstances file new or amended returns. 

A tax attorney can be a vital resource to have by your side during complex financial and tax-related matters. These hints show the best ways to find and retain a tax lawyer. A skilled tax attorney could help you stay away from penalties, garnishments, levies, and more.