Free Consultation By Our Tax Attorney

Dealing with tax debt can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Therefore, seeking professional help when struggling to pay taxes can be beneficial and can significantly ease the burden of dealing with tax-related issues. For example, when facing tax debts or IRS collection efforts, tax professionals can negotiate with the IRS on the taxpayer’s behalf. Tax professionals can also explore debt resolution options, such as installment agreements, offers in compromise, or currently not collectible status, and work to achieve the best possible outcome for the taxpayer.

Seeking professional help when struggling to pay taxes provides valuable guidance, representation, and peace of mind. At Global Gate Taxes, through free consultations with tax professionals, we can offer personalized solutions to tax problems and help taxpayers navigate the complexities of the tax system, ultimately improving their financial situation and tax compliance.

How to Prepare for Your Consultation

Collect all of your questions based on your financial situation, collect any important resources that will aid during our conversation. Along with income tax documents etc.

Preparing for a tax debt consultation with a tax professional at Global Gate Taxes can help make the meeting more productive and ensure that you get the most out of the consultation. Here are some steps to follow when preparing for a tax debt consultation:

  • Organize financial documents: Gather all relevant financial documents, including tax returns, IRS notices, W-2s, 1099s, bank statements, pay stubs, and any other documents related to your income, expenses, and assets.
  • Create a list of questions: Make a list of questions and concerns you have about your tax debt situation. Consider asking about potential debt relief options and eligibility for specific IRS programs.


  • Know your financial situation: Have a clear understanding of your current financial situation, including your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Be ready to discuss any financial hardships or challenges you are facing.

At Global Gate Taxes, our tax professionals are here to help you navigate your tax debt situation and find the best possible resolution. By being well-prepared and open during the consultation, you can maximize the benefits of the meeting and take steps toward resolving your tax debt effectively.

During our Tax Consultation

During a tax consultation at Global Gate Taxes, you will meet with a tax professional to discuss your tax situation and address any tax-related issues you may be facing. The consultation serves as an opportunity for the tax professional to understand your unique circumstances and provide personalized advice based on their expertise.

At our tax consultations, the tax professional will ask you questions about your tax history, current financial situation, income sources, deductions, expenses, and any outstanding tax liabilities or IRS notices. If you brought any relevant documents, such as tax returns and IRS notices, the tax professional will review them to gain a comprehensive understanding of your tax situation.

Finally, after reviewing your tax situation, the tax professional will offer advice and recommendations tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. If you have tax debt, the tax professional may explain the various IRS debt resolution programs available, such as installment agreements, offers in compromise, or Currently Not Collectible status, and suggest specific action steps or further consultations to develop a comprehensive plan for addressing your tax concerns.

After our Tax Consultation

Provide you the best option for your current situation, our tax attorney will ask you a bunch of questions and will help you see if you qualify for the fresh start program by the IRS. Lastly, we will provide you the options for you to decide.

After a tax consultation at Global Gate Taxes, our tax professionals will offer advice and recommendations tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. If you qualify for the fresh start programs offered by the IRS, our tax professionals will guide you to the process of applying and negotiating with the IRS for debt resolution, such as setting up an installment agreement, applying for an offer in compromise, or requesting Currently Not Collectible status.

When is it Worth Hiring Global Gate Taxes as a Tax Attorney?

Dealing with tax debt issues can be a complex and sensitive matter. In general, if you are facing complex or potentially significant tax issues, or if you are unsure about how to proceed with tax-related matters, it is worth consulting with a tax attorney at Global Gate Taxes. We can provide specialized knowledge and legal expertise, ensuring that you have the best possible representation and guidance throughout the process.

If you have substantial tax debt and are seeking to negotiate with the IRS for debt resolution options, such as an offer in compromise or an installment agreement, our tax attorneys at Global Gate Taxes can assess your financial situation, develop a strategy, and represent you during negotiations with the IRS.

IRS Tax Relief Services

There are numerous Tax Relief programs that are worth knowing about. The IRS (Internal Revenue Services) created these tax relief programs to help taxpayers pay off their debt through installments agreements and offers in compromise. We will explain each of these programs so that you, as the taxpayer, can understand the differences between them and qualify. IRS has offered these tax relief programs for many years back, but due to the pandemic in 2020 (through Covid-19), the programs have improved and the requirements for eligibility have improved as well. The Tax Relief Act was introduced in 2020 to aid taxpayers who were affected by the pandemic. The Fresh Start Program was first introduced back in 2011, offering installment agreements and offers in compromise programs. However, the IRS requirements continue to change based on the economic conditions.

Our Enrolled Agents and Tax Attorneys work hand-in-hand to come up with a tax resolution plan that will address your tax issues. As a result of the knowledge they have in tax law, our Tax Attorneys will identify IRS issues and as well as provide a lot of benefits other tax experts will fail to provide. They will act on your behalf, represent you before the IRS, on top of that, they are capable of proffering solutions to every tax problem you may have. Your best shot against the audit tactics and collection of IRS is having a professional representation by your side.

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After proper verification of your tax file for representation, our experienced professionals will work with you to investigate your tax filling history and also trace the status of your financial situation. After your tax history has been traced and documented and your financial status is confirmed, we will pinpoint the best government relief program that suits your situation and the type of relieve it will provide.

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Who is a tax consultant? This is an individual that is trained or a skilled individual in tax law. In other words, they are certified financial experts in tax law. They are trained specifically for tax law and other complicated financial quagmire. They are experienced individuals and this allows them to adequately investigate and as well as resolve complicated tax matters. Our Tax Consultants have helped a substantial number of taxpayers via consultation and investigation of complicated tax issues. Our seasoned tax experts will help you in evaluating your tax debt issues and also proffer a resolution.

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A lot of taxpayers today have to deal with IRS Tax Audit, a very serious situation to face. The IRS is a hard-hearted agency who does not joke with an audit, a habit you must inculcate. There are two ways to carry out a tax audit, which can be in person or through the mail, and they can be exasperating. Facing the IRS all by yourself is like sending a new recruit to face mercenaries at the war front. As you know, this is not the right thing to do. Under no circumstance should you delve into an audit without securing necessary legal representation. A seasoned tax expert will know how to represent you so that the goal of the auditor can be accomplished, which of course will not expose you to additional harm.

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TCA is utilized in a situation where a taxpayer is faced with Tax Collection and wants to challenge the amount of tax owed. With this appeal, your debt with IRS can be settled without visiting the four walls of a Tax Court. The IRS Appeals Division This sector of the IRS is solely responsible for these processes. Once your case gets accepted for appeal, it will be forwarded to an Appeal Officer who is expected to reach a decision within 1 to 5 days, which may favour you and it may also be the direct opposite.

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In a situation where your former spouse or your spouse is being subjected to a Tax Levy or Tax Lien, you are likely going to be involved in the affair even if you know nothing about the tax owed. If you are involved in a tax affair because of the action of your spouse, you may be eligible for an Innocent Spouse Claim. As a taxpayer, if you are able to prove that you are eligible for this, then you are likely going to be relieved of any obligation for the tax debt.

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Have you been hit with a Tax Debt bill and you find it difficult to pay? You may be eligible for the Installment Agreement from the IRS. Agreeing to a Payment Plan will help you to reduce your total tax liability by removing penalties, interest; however, your payments must be made on time. The only taxpayers eligible to the Install Agreements and Payment Plans are those who are compliant on their tax returns, which imply that all your tax returns must be filed before you can request for an installment agreement.

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This is a form of Levy that is levied on both your present and future income by IRS. In a case where a levy is levied on your wages by the IRS, it’s expected and required of your employee to collect a substantial percent of it and send it on your behalf to the IRS. This is likely going to make you hardly have enough for yourself, which is why you need to act as soon as possible to put an end to this action before it becomes something big because after an employer gets a Notice of Levy they have about one pay cycle to start collecting payments.

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Every year, billions of dollars are issued in penalties by IRS, and their aim is to collect all. With that in mind, this implies a taxpayer might seal a deal to terminate Tax Debt based on ability to pay. Although IRS has the intention to collect all penalties, but they understand that not every individual can pay while they also understand some should not pay at all, and taking those cases off their books will not only make their work easier; it will give them the opportunity to pursue taxpayers that should pay and those that can pay.

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Once the analysis phase of your tax resolution case begins, the consultant in charge will cover a lot within a short period of time. Having said that, the following is an overview of programs we frequently negotiate on behalf of our valuable clients.

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Frequently Asked Questions?


Can a tax attorney negotiate with the IRS?

Yes, a tax attorney can negotiate with the IRS on behalf of taxpayers. Tax attorneys are equipped with specialized knowledge of tax laws and regulations, making them well-equipped to handle negotiations with the IRS effectively.

Having a tax attorney negotiate with the IRS can be highly beneficial, as they understand the intricacies of tax law and the specific procedures of dealing with the IRS. They can help protect the taxpayer’s rights, navigate the complexities of tax matters, and work toward a favorable resolution with the IRS, such as an offer in compromise and installment agreements.

Who helps with IRS tax problems?

Global Gate Taxes helps with tax relief and disputes directly with the IRS.

Our tax attorneys at Global Gate Taxes are qualified professionals who specialize in tax law. They can provide advice, representation, and advocacy for individuals and businesses facing IRS tax problems. Tax attorneys can handle audits, negotiate with the IRS, represent clients in tax court, and assist with tax planning and compliance.

Ready to talk?

Let’s Talk