An IRS notice CP14 shows that you owe money to the IRS. This for one of two reasons; you either missed a payment, or interest and penalties accumulated on the outstanding amount. Of course, it is reasonable that you are terrified by this letter. However, it is significant that you [...]
Not every notice sent to you from the IRS is intended to bring sadness to you. However, if you receive a CP40 Notice from the IRS, then you need to pay attention as it shouldn’t be taken frivolously. A CP40 IRS Notice is an informal document from the Internal Revenue [...]
IRS NOTICE CP2000 | Los Angeles, CA
The IRS sends CP2000 notices to over 6 million every year. This notice informs you of the discrepancy and proposes a change to your tax payments or credits and offers you a chance to respond. You may agree or disagree with the IRS, but you must send a reply to [...]
If you are waiting for a tax refund from your state and you receive this notice, you may not get the refund. IRS Notice CP504 informs you that the IRS intends to seize your state tax refund. It also states that the IRS may “levy your property or rights to [...]
CP523 What comes after a CP523 notice? These are the exact words the IRS will say if they don’t hear from you. When you receive a CP523 notice, the IRS is giving you 30 days to contact them regarding your most recent failed payment on the agreed installment agreement between [...]
The CP90 is an official notice that the IRS has the right to seize your assets if you do not pay. This letter is very significant and should not be ignored, nor is it one to take lightly. If you don’t take necessary actions within 30 days, your income, property, [...]
The official meaning of this IRS Notice is the “IRS Notice CP298 Balance Due – Intent to Levy Social Security Benefits”. This letter is to notify taxpayers of the IRS intent to levy up to 15% of the taxpayer’s social security benefits for unpaid taxes. The IRS Notice CP298 can [...]
The Notice CP91 is usually issued by the IRS to inform the taxpayer that if they fail to pay their debts, they will undoubtedly levy their social security benefits. This notice, however, may have been issued as the final to a string of others prior to it. Usually, the IRS [...]
IRS Sent me an Adjusted Refund Amount of $0.00 – What does this mean?
Receiving an adjusted refund Notice by the IRS Can Be Confusing Receiving an adjusted refund of $0.0 can definitely be confusing and raise questions. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you are in trouble. When the IRS makes an adjustment like this, it can mean the IRS made a math error, [...]
The IRS Solution To Tax Liability | Tallahassee, Florida
The IRS Solution To Tax Liability Having a full understanding of the basic underpinnings of your taxes gives you the opportunity to develop better financial literacy. In this regard, you can more precisely expect what taxes you will owe at the end of the year, instead of being met with [...]
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