Debt Settlement IRS


Debt Settlement with the IRS - will it go away? Tax debt occurs when taxpayers do not pay the full amount of taxes they owe on their income. If taxpayers do not address their tax debts promptly, they can face penalties and interest on the unpaid balances, or even have their assets seized. Thus, the [...]

Debt Settlement IRS2024-06-12T19:40:28+00:00

What is our Tax Resolution Process – Negotiating on your behalf


What is our Tax Resolution Process? Our tax resolution process is broken down into four different steps to help the taxpayer find a solution to their current taxes issue. By hiring a tax expert the main benefit is to negotiate on your behalf on reducing the tax debt amount, removing any penalties and avoiding any [...]

What is our Tax Resolution Process – Negotiating on your behalf2024-06-07T02:11:09+00:00

Intent to Terminate Installment Agreement​ – Received CP523 or CP623?


Intent to Terminate Installment Agreement If you have received a CP523, CP523 (SP) or a CP623 notice the IRS is intending to terminate any installed agreement agreed between you and the IRS. Fortunately, the IRS is giving you 30 days to take action by either contacting them directly or hiring a tax expert to connect [...]

Intent to Terminate Installment Agreement​ – Received CP523 or CP623?2024-11-23T23:38:05+00:00

IRS Notice CP523


IRS Notice CP23IRS Notice CP 523 is the letter you get from the IRS when you default on an IRS payment plan. This notice spells out your payment plan is in default and that the IRS may end it if you fail to act within 30 days. After thirty days they can seize your wages [...]

IRS Notice CP5232024-12-18T05:07:56+00:00