
Debt Repayment Programs


Several types of debt repayment programs are accessible, including a streamlined installment agreement, partial-pay installment agreements, and “stair-step” installment agreements. Remarkably, while these arrangements are available, each taxpayer must negotiate with the IRS directly to agree on their eligibility. Debt repayment programs can offer great relief to taxpayers. In some circumstances, they can lessen their [...]

Debt Repayment Programs2023-11-30T11:51:07+00:00

IRS Fresh Start Initiative


1. Important Details Concerning Fresh Start Initiative Remarkably, the IRS Fresh Start Initiative is not just a single program, but rather a series of modifications that the IRS has made to the tax code to reduce tax bills. In fact, the IRS has initiated several programs around the Fresh Start to help struggling taxpayers since [...]

IRS Fresh Start Initiative2023-11-30T09:41:00+00:00

IRS Forms For Starting a New Business


Starting a new business can be really as there are lots of expectations you look up to. It also comes with a decent amount of paperwork, particularly if your company involves employees and payroll, you’ll need to get started on the right footing by having a clear knowledge on which IRS forms are appropriate for [...]

IRS Forms For Starting a New Business2023-11-30T11:52:01+00:00

Itemized Deductions Disputes


Every year, about 196 million federal tax returns are filed in the United States. From the returns, around one million or 0.5% is subject to audit, which is an extra evaluation of the return, the deductions filed, and the amount owed or given back to the taxpayer. One relatively general reason for a taxpayer’s return [...]

Itemized Deductions Disputes2023-11-30T11:54:05+00:00

IRS Tax Audit


More than one million taxpayers faced an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit of their individual tax return in 2019, but that accounted for less than 1% of all returns. If you received a dreaded audit letter from the IRS, do not panic. You must understand that the analysis is a professional procedure that may be [...]

IRS Tax Audit2023-11-30T11:52:58+00:00

Understanding an IRS Tax Appeal


If your tax return was lately under assessment by the IRS and you got written notification of a change the IRS is making to your tax return, such as disallowing a deduction or credit, you have the right to disagree and the right to appeal its verdict. An IRS Tax Appeal is a usual way to resolve [...]

Understanding an IRS Tax Appeal2023-11-30T09:44:36+00:00

IRS Criminal Investigation Process


If for whatever reason you have found yourself facing an IRS criminal investigation or in a civil investigation or audit that, in time, may result to a criminal investigation. It is surprisingly easy for a person to find oneself involved with this kind of IRS tax problem. Maybe you have been accused of tax evasion, or some other form [...]

IRS Criminal Investigation Process2023-11-30T11:54:51+00:00

Reporting Identity Theft to the IRS


Reporting identity theft is an important way to protect yourself from scams. There are many ways you might discover you were a victim of identity theft. There are higher chances that if you were, you will find out soon after filing your taxes. For instance, you may receive a letter from the IRS saying you [...]

Reporting Identity Theft to the IRS2023-11-30T11:55:45+00:00

Filing Taxes in Multiple States


If you resided and worked in the same state this previous year, filing taxes is really not a complicated process. But how do you file taxes if you lived or worked in multiple states? Each state wants its fair share of your income, which implies that you may owe taxes to multiple states depending on [...]

Filing Taxes in Multiple States2023-11-30T09:46:32+00:00

Disabled and Owe Back Taxes – What are the Disability Benefits?


Disabled and Owing back Taxes! In our attempt to be sincere, we all will agree that taxes are complicated. The situation becomes more of a headache when you include benefits you may be receiving from the government into the mix. One question many people ask is if the IRS can take disability checks for back taxes.While [...]

Disabled and Owe Back Taxes – What are the Disability Benefits?2023-11-30T09:48:42+00:00