IRS Form 13711 – Appeal Your Rejected Offer in Compromise (OIC)


Form 13711 Offer in Compromise Appeal (OIC) An Offer in Compromise or OIC can significantly reduce the effect of tax burdens on taxpayers. However, the IRS puts each OIC into consideration individually and it is capable of turning down offers for different reasons. Instead of accepting the rejection as the IRS' final determination, you can [...]

IRS Form 13711 – Appeal Your Rejected Offer in Compromise (OIC)2024-12-04T04:58:30+00:00

Resolving Unfiled Payroll Taxes With the IRS


Owing back payroll taxes puts you and your business in a complex situation with the IRS. Instead of hiding away from your debts, you can deal with this duty efficiently and in a timely manner by using any of the ways to resolve unfiled payroll taxes.  The Likely Effects of Unpaid Payroll Taxes  Unpaid payroll taxes [...]

Resolving Unfiled Payroll Taxes With the IRS2021-12-14T20:29:08+00:00

Importance of IRS Tax Attorneys in Small Businesses


There is a feeling of satisfaction in owning a business. When you own and manage your own business, you are required to be in control of every last data. This includes filing and paying your business's taxes on time without failing.  However, when you find yourself taken aback by the task of paying your business's taxes, [...]

Importance of IRS Tax Attorneys in Small Businesses2021-12-14T20:35:58+00:00

Hints to Getting an IRS Tax Attorney


It could be really difficult dealing with financial hardship particularly tax issues can be overwhelming and annoying. Rather than face the situation on your own, you may want to hire someone like a tax resolution specialist to help you through the trying time. You can hire an experienced IRS tax attorney by knowing what this type [...]

Hints to Getting an IRS Tax Attorney2021-12-14T20:39:39+00:00

Dealing with IRS Penalties When your Tax Preparer Makes an Error


 It takes a great deal of professionalism for your tax expert to prepare your tax returns accurately and without mistakes. When errors occur, however, this might get you wondering how they can affect you as a taxpayer and the steps you ought to take to remedy them. You can avoid serious IRS penalties and fines [...]

Dealing with IRS Penalties When your Tax Preparer Makes an Error2024-04-30T18:07:01+00:00

The Implications of Missing the October 15 Extended Tax Filing Deadline


Every year, the IRS grants taxpayers until April 15 to correctly file and pay their federal income taxes. People who cannot meet up with this deadline to file due to certain reasons can request an extension until October 15 by filling out and submitting IRS Form 4868. This extension will offer taxpayers additional time to [...]

The Implications of Missing the October 15 Extended Tax Filing Deadline2021-12-14T20:56:02+00:00

If my spouse owes back taxes am I liable? – Spouse Relief Programs


What happens if you marry someone who owes back taxes?Spouse Owes Back TaxesIf my spouse owes back taxes am I liable?Getting married is a beautiful commitment and it certainly means sharing your life with your spouse in so many ways than you planned. You may be joining two separate households, including your finances. If you [...]

If my spouse owes back taxes am I liable? – Spouse Relief Programs2025-02-27T14:29:59+00:00

IRS Letter 6174-A for Cryptocurrency Taxes


Getting a letter from the Internal Revenue Service is certainly one that drives fear down your spine. You should not panic as not all notices completely victimize you.  If you receive the Letter 6174-A, it just implies that the IRS believes you may have faltered in your taxes because you didn't report cryptocurrency transactions accurately. [...]

IRS Letter 6174-A for Cryptocurrency Taxes2021-12-14T21:38:49+00:00

IRS Compliance Campaigns


The IRS constantly makes announcements to create awareness and put fear into the American taxpayer. The IRS has launched over 59 campaigns to date.  Recently, the IRS announced a slate of six compliance “campaigns” from its Large Business and International (LB&I) Division, which makes it seem like they are hitting just enterprises and companies offshore. [...]

IRS Compliance Campaigns2021-12-14T21:55:13+00:00

Grounds the IRS Will Audit You


If you have already filed your taxes for this year, you do not need to panic as none of the following applies to your tax return. But if you have not filed your taxes for this year, you still have time to make sure you minimize your chances to be chosen for an audit by [...]

Grounds the IRS Will Audit You2021-12-14T22:18:23+00:00