IRS Tax Filing Deadline For Taxpayers Orange County Irvine City


A number of tax deadlines are being extended for individuals, estates, business corporations and other bodies by the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasuring Department due to the on-going corona virus pandemic. Tax payments were originally due on April 15th, 2020 but as a result of the on-going crisis, the IRS has extended/postponed the tax [...]

IRS Tax Filing Deadline For Taxpayers Orange County Irvine City2023-11-30T09:17:52+00:00

IRS Payment Plan & Tax Installment Agreements Help


You’ve had a rough year financially causing you to not pay the required income tax. Maybe, you just got the sums wrong and you didn’t pay enough, totally by accident. Don’t worry; the IRS is not going to kick down your door. Contrary to what you may have heard, the IRS is very versed in [...]

IRS Payment Plan & Tax Installment Agreements Help2023-11-30T11:04:38+00:00

Underpayment Penalties


Underpayment PenaltiesThe tax system in the United States can be very complex. Taxes generally must be paid when income is earned, but these taxes are not always automatically removed from your earnings. In some cases, you may have to pay estimated taxes quarterly. The IRS may issue an underpayment penalty if a taxpayer fails to [...]

Underpayment Penalties2024-12-19T02:53:51+00:00

Tax Debt Relief Service | South Carolina Tax Lawyer


Delinquent taxpayers often look for a trustworthy company that provides services to alleviate income tax debt. The two most common tax problems taxpayers face are: first, not withholding enough federal income taxes, and second, finding a manageable way to get out of the resulting tax debt. If you owe back taxes to the government, you [...]

Tax Debt Relief Service | South Carolina Tax Lawyer2023-11-30T11:21:59+00:00

IRS Offer in Compromise Aid: How the OIC tax service works


An Offer in Compromise (OIC) is a great program offered by the IRS and some states to help taxpayers with financial problems re-comply with tax authorities. If an OIC is approved, it will allow you or a company to pay the taxes due for less. The IRS and States do not readily accept ICOs, as [...]

IRS Offer in Compromise Aid: How the OIC tax service works2023-11-30T11:09:18+00:00

State Tax Levy: What It Is and How It Works


A tax levy is one of the harshest collection mechanisms used by the IRS and state taxing authorities. A levy is the legal seizure of taxpayer’s assets to satisfy back taxes owed. This is different from a tax lien because a lien is only a claim to your assets while a levy is the actual [...]

State Tax Levy: What It Is and How It Works2023-11-30T11:16:01+00:00

IRS Tax Aid – Connect with Tax Advisor


IRS Tax Aid This brings us to the matter of how to decide if you need a Tax Advisor or a tax lawyer. A decision can cause a considerable headache to many. Happily, some specific examples can help you determine whether you need a Tax Advisor or the servers of a fully qualified tax lawyer. [...]

IRS Tax Aid – Connect with Tax Advisor2024-12-19T02:31:03+00:00

How to Stop IRS garnishment of wages? – 7 Possible Ways!


How to stop IRS garnishment of wages? Stop IRS Garnishments This is one of many ways the IRS uses to garnish wages as a way to collect your unpaid tax debt. Although there are various ways of going after unpaid tax debt like liens and levies, the IRS wage garnishment is one of the most [...]

How to Stop IRS garnishment of wages? – 7 Possible Ways!2024-12-04T23:42:36+00:00

How To Make A Payment Plan With The IRS


If you can't pay your taxes on time in the United States, you may file a so-called "installment agreement" with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  If the IRS grants the request, the agency will establish a payment plan so that you can make monthly payments on your back taxes. However, before requesting a payment agreement, [...]

How To Make A Payment Plan With The IRS2023-11-30T11:26:00+00:00

Consequences of not complying with a tax payment agreement


During the tax season, people may find that they owe more taxes than they can pay. When this happens, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows taxpayers to establish payment agreements to pay their tax burden. In most cases, the taxpayer must make a deposit and pay interest on the balance. It is important to note [...]

Consequences of not complying with a tax payment agreement2023-11-30T09:14:28+00:00